UnitPlayground Docs
This library provides canvass-like a Svelte component that encourages a deeper understanding of units. This "unit playground" aims to aid problem solvers by providing instant unit feedback, hints, and rearrangeable equations.
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Installation & Usage
Currently, this package is only available in Svelte projects. Simply install with npm.
npm i unitplayground
Add to your project
To use the component in your project import it and place it within some container. UnitPlayground will fill its parent container. Example:
import UnitPlayground from 'unitplayground'
<div class="base">
.base {
max-width: 100%;
width: 90vw;
height: 50vh;
What is this package able to deliver?
Stay tuned
Thanks to the authors and maintainers of my dependencies, especially mathlive , @cortex-js/compute-engine , and unitmath .
Also, thanks to my professor Robert Ordóñez for support while I was developing this project.
UnitPlayground is released under the MIT license.