
let the units guide you

Learn to appreciate units of measurement and construct equations in an interactive way.

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Unitplayground is a tool that encourages a deeper understanding of units. It aims to aid problem solvers by providing instant unit feedback, hints, and rearrangeable equations.

As shown above, users can enter quantities and units on the canvass. To take these equations taken apart, simply double-click on a section of your equation. To put them back together, simply place an equation fragment onto a placeholder or elsewhere within an equation.

When you make a mistake, UnitPlayground tries to detect it and show you helpful hints.

If you are a student, teacher, or otherwise interested individual, you can use UnitPlayground here at any time free of charge. If you are looking to include UnitPlayground on your own website, refer to the docs .

There are many different settings you can configure.

You can choose which system you want the output in and how precise you want it to be. Another amazing feature is creating your own units. Simply click on + Add Unit in the settings, and create a new unit.

Stay tuned for more updates to the UnitPlayground. Enjoy!